I must have had the book on my shelf for three or four years. But for some reason I hadn't read it yet and I recently picked it up: Tales of a Female Nomad.
It's an engaging read, makes you feel as if you are there. Rita Golden Gelman, divorced at age 57, started traveling the world and going with the flow. Without much planning, she set off for exotic locations, wanting to really learn the language and the culture. She made herself at home in Mexico, in Indonesia and many other places.
The second book, Female Nomad and Friends, is an anthology of travel stories by different women, accompanied by recipes. A fun read, opening your eyes to different worlds. Both books will make you want to travel. And cook.
The best part of the second book is that all proceeds go directly to Rotary International and are used to pay the tuition of young people growing up in a slum in India, giving them a chance at a better life. So buy this book for all of your friends, for birthday or any occasion!