The power of reading

After a fun week of readings and writing workshops in school across Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia I am now in Singapore. Just had a lovely brunch with teacher/librarians in whose school I will be this coming week. Of course we talked about... books! Here's an inspiring article about the power of reading aloud, sharing books:

Hope you try it, too!

International Schools

After a week in schools in South Korea I am now doing author presentations, writing workshops and staff workshops in schools in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I love the heat and soak it all up. What a privilege to see wonderful places and work with great kids. The schools place great emphasize on their libraries. Teachers, by and large, work with books and read to the students.
International schools mostly have well stocked bookshelves. Many students speak more than one language. In fact, it's not called ESL (English as a Second Language) here but rather EAL (English as an Additional Language). The other day I asked students how many of them spoke a second language. Not many raised their hand even though I knew that spoke more than one language. Then I realized I should have asked "how many of you speak at least two language" and they all raised their hands.
I'm sure that brings its own challenges for teachers but books are valued and used throughout the schools and the curriculum.

Fan site!

Wow, I now have my own fan page on Facebook! Makes me feel just like the Academy Award winners I just watched. A big thank you to Nicole in Nashville, TN who created my very own fan page. You can join here: to stay informed.

Best Bets for 2009

I was thrilled to learn today that Ontario Library Asociation (OLA) lists my book My School in the Rain Forest (Boyds Mills Press) as one of the Best Bets, nonfiction, for 2009:

"My School in the Rain Forest: How Children Attend School Around the World. Boyd Mills Press School in a jungle, school on a ship and school by radio are just a few of the fascinating ways children go to school around the world. Lots of photos and personalized stories add interest and make this a book that will help foster an understanding of other cultures."

Maupin House books

Check out my blog on the Maupin House website. This is one mighty publisher: big ideas, big hearts and they accomplish so much. Maupin House reminds me of Vancouver Kidsbooks: determined, dedicated people who truly care for teachers, kids and education. Hurray for them!